Attention Small Business Owner or Entrepreneur…
Trying to Build Your Business Without A Quality Website Is The Fastest Way To Be Out Of Business.
In today’s connected world, your website is the hub that all other forms of marketing connect back to. Your social media profiles, your videos, your business cards and brochures. No matter what you are doing you want to eventually move your prospects back to your “Virtual Real Estate” as that is the only platform that you truly have 100% control over.
I can’t tell you how many times we have worked with a client that has built up a nice business all based on a social media account. Then one day the social media company changed the rules and almost wiped them out.
When you bet the future of your company, all your hard work, on someone else’s property, you are taking a huge risk.
Why take that risk when you can have a cool website that is fairly easy to add new content to and make updates anytime?
Have a look at the sample websites below.
Click on any of the images below to open the sample website in a new browser tab. Each one of these samples is a full website completely built on WordPress, one of the most awesome tools for building the best websites you see around the Internet. WordPress is so awesome that about 25% of ALL websites around the world now use it!
Have a look at the designs, note what parts or designs you like the most, then you can talk with one of our team members to see how affordable it is to get your own website up and running.
I look forward to working with you,
Richard Whyte
Founder – Optify PTY LTD